

Deran Moodley

Contact Infomation

Company Name: PeninsulaDrums

Company Address: 6 hilda close Philippi Western Cape, 7764, South Africa

Company General Phone: 0213741161

Company General Mail: info@peninsuladrums.co.za

Company Website: www.peninsuladrums.co.za

Key Contact First and Last Name: Deran Moodley

Key Contact Phone: +27796668882

Key Contact Mail: deran@peninsuladrums.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: May 12, 1992

BEE: BEE Level 5

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Export via Sea

Company Overview: In May 1992 brothers, Chocky and Subbiah Moodley, opened the doors to a great new venture – the reconditioning of metal and plastic drums. With its creation, Peninsula Drums made history by becoming the first black-owned drum manufacturing company. Once the brothers had the reconditioning of tight-head and open-top drums under their belt, they began to manufacture new drums and have since then expanded the Peninsula Drums catalogue to include IBCs.