Cut Corn Kernels

Sold By:  Freezer Link

Shamsudien Ahmed

+27 21 691 7878

Please visit our website for more information:


Product or Service

HS071040 - Vegetables; sweetcorn; uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water; frozen


SARS compliant , Other

Product Certification


Contact Infomation

Company Name: Freezer Link

Company Address: Maslamoney Rd, Sand Industria, Cape Town, 7764, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 21 691 7878

Company General Mail:

Company Website:

Key Contact: Shamsudien Ahmed

Key Contact Phone: +27 21 691 7878/6/9

Key Contact General Mail:

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 15 October , 1997

BEE: Exempted Micro Enterprise (turnover is below R10M)

Woman-Owned: Yes - 25%+ Woman Owned

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Retail , Bulk , Wholesale , Direct sales

Company Overview: At Freezerlink we manufacture and distribute frozen products focusing mainly on vegetables. The company currently has a client base across the Western region of South Africa servicing major retailers such as Shoprite and Spar while also successfully tendering for several government and military contracts.

Year Started Exporting:


Countries Currently Exporting to:


Countries Hoping to Export to:

Algeria, Angola, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Registered Under the Following Trade Agreements:
