Register as an Exporter to sell

If you are struggling to complete this registration form please contact us at




First Name*

Last Name*

Company Address

Postal Code

Company General Phone (+27)*

Company General Mail*

Company Website

Key Contact First Name and Last Name

Key Contact Phone Number (+27)

Key Contact General Mail

Additional Company Information

Woman Owned

Facility Certification

Incorporation Date


Company Size (Employees)

Distribution Channel(s)

Company Overview

Year Started Exporting

Countries Currently Exporting To

Countries Hoping To Export To

Registered under the following trade agreements

Company Documents

All the information required here will be for Wesgro’s verification purposes only and will not be shared externally

CIPC Company Registration

State reason if unable to provide Company Registration certificate

BEE Certificate

State reason if unable to provide BEE certificate

SARS Export Certificate

State reason if unable to provide Export certificate

ID / Passport

State reason if unable to provide ID / Passport

Proof of Address for Western Cape Business Facility

State reason if unable to provide Proof of Address for Western Cape Business Facility


Confirm Password*