

Liebre Jacobs

Contact Infomation

Company Name: FruitLips

Company Address: FruitLips, Achtervlei farm, Piketburg, West Coast, 7320, South Africa

Company General Phone: 022 914 5050

Company General Mail: info@fruitlips.co.za

Company Website: www.fruitlips.co.za

Key Contact First and Last Name: Liebre Jacobs

Key Contact Phone: 0721005659

Key Contact Mail: info@fruitlips.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: February 24, 2014

BEE: BEE Level 2

Woman-Owned: Yes - 100% Woman Owned

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Retail, Bulk, Private Label, Own Brand, Direct sales

Company Overview: FruitLips is an Agri-processing plant that produces jams, marmalades, preserves and sauces for the South African market.