Company Information
Incorporation Date: August 08, 1941
BEE: Not BEE Eligible
Woman-Owned: No
Company Size: 20 –100
Distribution: Retail , Bulk , Wholesale , HORECA/Hospitality: Hotels, Restuarants, Catering , Private Label , Own Brand , Direct sales , Agents , Brokers , Export via Sea , Export via Air Freight , On trade (Restaurants, Bars, Clubs) , Off trade (Supermarkets, Specialists Retailers, Independent Retailers) , E-Commerce
Company Overview: Koelenhof Winery was established in 1941 and is a producer cellar with 70 shareholders, specializing in services to other producers from wine making to bottling of wines. Koelenhof produces 10 million liters of wine per annum and sell in bottle and bulk. We support social development, specially people (black and white) who want to enter the wine industry and don't have the knowledge or finance to build a great wine community for South Africa.