

Lonwabo Ngcinana

Contact Infomation

Company Name: LonwaboNgcinana

Company Address: W39, heerengracht street, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

Company General Phone: 0640493964

Company General Mail: lonwabo@ngcinana.co.za

Company Website: shop.ngcinana.co.za

Key Contact First and Last Name: Lonwabo Ngcinana

Key Contact Phone: 0640493964

Key Contact Mail: lonwabo@ngcinana.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: February 16, 2024

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: , Retail

Company Overview: Elanti focus on offering unique products that epitomise the diverse cultures of South Africa and Africa as a whole. Elanti is your one-stop shop for all things leather and wooden. We offer a wide variety of wooden products, from watches and bags to trays and spoons. We have something for everyone, so whether you're looking for a unique gift or a stylish new accessory, you're sure to find it at Elanti.