

Anke Brits

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Reboni

Company Address: Beach Road, Gordons Bay, 7140, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 71 266 14141

Company General Mail: sales@reboni.co.za

Company Website: https://www.reboni.co.za/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Anke Brits

Key Contact Phone: +27 82 455 9458

Key Contact Mail: sales@reboni.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: February 22, 1991

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 200 +

Distribution: Multiple Specialist

Company Overview: Reboni is a well-known South African based company, and exporter to the African continent. Reboni has become one of the largest manufacturers of economically designed SABS compliant classroom furniture, as well as affordable admin furniture to suit your environment.