
Skeg Product Development

Wynand van Staden

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Skeg Product Development

Company Address: 7B Marconi Road, Montague Gardens, 7441, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 (0) 21 551 1441

Company General Mail: info@skeg.com

Company Website: www.skeg.com

Key Contact First and Last Name: Wynand van Staden

Key Contact Phone: +27 (0) 81 542 6369

Key Contact Mail: wynand@skeg.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: May 17, 2004

BEE: Not BEE Eligible

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Representatives

Company Overview: At SKEG we pride ourselves as a pioneering force in the African product development landscape. With a track record spanning 19 years, and more than 3000 projects, we are known as the go-to partner for transforming innovative ideas into fit-for-market products. Our diverse team of curious and passionate business and technical experts is known for an unrivalled culture of learning, and on a mission to solve the unsolvable.