
Alternate Label and Printing

Patrick Malan

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Alternate Label and Printing

Company Address: Unit 4-5 Spurwing Park, Capricorn Boulevard North, Capricorn Park, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945, South Africa

Company General Phone: 021 787 9200

Company General Mail: sales@alternate.co.za

Company Website: In Progress - www.alternate.co.za

Key Contact First and Last Name: Patrick Malan

Key Contact Phone: 083 260 2749

Key Contact Mail: patrick.malan@alternate.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: October 17, 2023

BEE: BEE Level 2

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Industrial

Company Overview: The business manufactures branded labels, tags and packaging for the apparel retail and allied industries. Our core products include Printed Fabric Labels, Swing Tickets, Header Card, Sock and Bedding Packaging, Blister backing Cards, small boxes for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, Heat Transfers.