
Bags of Bites Pty Ltd

Ryan Jossel

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Bags of Bites Pty Ltd

Company Address: 29 Carlisle Street, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27214472538

Company General Mail: info@bagsofbites.co.za

Company Website: https://bagsofbites.co.za/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Ryan Jossel

Key Contact Phone: +27214472538

Key Contact Mail: ryan@bagsofbites.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: June 28, 2017

BEE: Not BEE Eligible

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Wholesale

Company Overview: Bags of Bites was established in 2002 and is located in Cape Town, South Africa. Inspired by childhood memories and people we love, we initially set out to create a range of delicious hand-made treats using treasured family recipes which we had perfected over the years resulting in a delectable assortment of baked products and other mouthwatering delights. Our products, which are both Kosher and Halaal certified, are sold to national retailers as well as independent stores, hotels, restaurants and coffee outlets across Southern Africa. We have consistently prioritized innovation and product development in line with the latest health trends and always ensure that we keep your wellbeing in mind. This allows us to cater for all dietary intolerances and sensitivities. Although we take enormous pride from our bakery and the products we produce, we also recognize the significance of empowering individuals without prior training or skills and providing them with a sense of belonging and opportunity. At present, we employ a staff complement of 32 individuals, the majority of which are women, and who come from impoverished communities in and around Cape Town. We would like to thank you for supporting our small business, for supporting our staff and most importantly, believing in our product which means the world to us and gives us so much pleasure.