

Burton Francis

Contact Infomation


Company Address: 55A LANTANA STREET, NEDERBURG, PAARL, WESTERN CAPE, 7646, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 82 614 6916

Company General Mail: admin@franciswines.com

Company Website: www.franciswines.com

Key Contact First and Last Name: Burton Francis

Key Contact Phone: +27 76 766 5249

Key Contact Mail: info@franciswines.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 13/05/2021

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Export via Sea, Export via Air Freight, Representatives, On trade (Restaurants, Bars, Clubs), Off trade (Supermarkets, Specialists Retailers, Independent Retailers)

Company Overview: Francis Wines aims to create wines of elegance, finesse and complexity that reflect the unique terroir of the Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge appellation in South Africa. Inspired by the Burgundian winemaking style and the methods that have been honed for centuries, our wines are not meant to be flashy or trendy, but rather to express the elegance, balance and complexity of an old world wine. We believe that Burgundy represents the pinnacle of quality and excellence in winemaking, and we hope to share our journey through- and respect for this noble heritage with you.