

Justin Myburgh

Contact Infomation

Company Name: LordsWines

Company Address: Lord's Estate, Voortrekker Road, 6708, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 66 255 3550

Company General Mail: info@lordswinery.com

Company Website: https://lordswinery.com/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Justin Myburgh

Key Contact Phone: +27 66 255 3550

Key Contact Mail: marketing@lordswinery.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 17 June 2003

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 5 – 10

Distribution: Bulk , Private Label , Direct sales , Export via Sea , On trade (Restaurants, Bars, Clubs)

Company Overview: Nestled away in glorious isolation, at the end of the McGregor valley lies Lord’s Wines. High up the McGregor Mountains, you will find an oasis of lush green lawns, sweeping vistas, and indigenous fynbos. With a breath-taking panoramic view and vineyards 500m above sea level, viticulturist Jacie Oosthuizen realised his dream and joined his love for cricket and wine in 2006. Lord’s Wines got its innings! As a family-run operation, the Oosthuizens pride themselves on producing top-quality wines, delivering exceptional service, and ensuring that when you visit the farm you will become part of the wine family.