
Media24 Pty Ltd trading as Media24 TV

Lea Gerber

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Media24 Pty Ltd trading as Media24 TV

Company Address: 40 Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

Company General Phone: 021 406 2121

Company General Mail: info24@media24.com

Company Website: https://www.media24.com/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Lea Gerber

Key Contact Phone: +27 71 386 9015

Key Contact Mail: lea.gerber@media24.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: September 07, 1950

BEE: BEE Level 3

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 200 +

Distribution: Own Brand

Company Overview: Media24 is South Africa’s leading media company with interests in digital media and services, newspapers, magazines, ecommerce, book publishing, print and distribution. It is part of Naspers, a multinational group of media and ecommerce platforms. Media24TV includes an end-to-end video production facility specialising in editorial and commercial narratives with modern studios, gear and editing facilities. The unit creates entertaining content for various channels and streaming services, such as Showmax, Mzansi Magic, kykNET and VIA. Formats include reality shows, documentaries, and lifestyle genres. Short-format content clients include Woolworths, Nedbank and Dyson. The team crafts digital and broadcast assets with above-the-line and below-the-line narratives. Quality, speed and cost-efficiency drive this fresh business.