

Jodi Schiff

Contact Infomation

Company Name: NativoWineFarm

Company Address: 6 Riverstone Road, Hout Bay, Tierboskloof Estate, Cape Town, 7806, South Africa

Company General Phone: 27 83 679 2069

Company General Mail: jodi@4pourswineco.co.za

Company Website: https://nativo.co.za/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Jodi Schiff

Key Contact Phone: 27 83 679 2069

Key Contact Mail: jodi@4pourswineco.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 1 January 2000

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Retail, Bulk, Wholesale

Company Overview: After settling in South Africa in 1990, Argentinian-born Billy Hughes was inspired to start his own wine venture in the Cape. After being self-educated in viticulture and winemaking, in the year 2000 he and his late wife Penny bought an old wheat farm in Malmesbury, near Cape Town. Unknown to them at the time, this area – commonly known as The Swartland – would soon become one of the top wine-producing regions in the Western Cape