
Netshomi Zam

Riaan De Villiers Hanekom

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Netshomi Zam

Company Address: 354 Albert Road Woodstock, 8001, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 82 224 3873

Company General Mail: riaan@netshomizam.com

Company Website: http://www.netshomizam.com

Key Contact First and Last Name: Riaan De Villiers Hanekom

Key Contact Phone: +27 82 224 3873

Key Contact Mail: riaan@netshomizam.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: December 18, 2013

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 10 – 20

Distribution: Direct sales , E-Commerce

Company Overview: Netshomi Zam describes a collaboration and friendship that began in the early 2000s, culminating in the formal registration of the partnership in 2013. Wire artist Mike Carella and all-around creative Riaan de Villiers Hanekom were colleagues at an iconic and innovative enterprise that specialised in wire and bead art. Independently, and in their spare time, both started experimenting with different techniques in welding and beading; Mike with beaded human busts and Riaan with three-dimensional animal heads. Their first collaboration was on a life-size, fully and intricately beaded sculpture of Nelson Mandela, which led to the commission of another, larger sculpture of Mandela, after which many commissions and groundbreaking designs would follow and eventually birth a company that was born of trust, friendship, and a passion for designing and creating the very finest wire and bead art.