
De Rustica

Ryan Westcott

Contact Infomation

Company Name: De Rustica

Company Address: 1 oudemuragie Road, De Rust, 6650, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 (0) 44 241 2177

Company General Mail: ryan@derustica.co.za

Company Website: www.derustica.co.za

Key Contact First and Last Name: Ryan Westcott

Key Contact Phone: +27 (0) 73 363 7370

Key Contact Mail: ryan@derustica.co.za

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 2005

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Retail , Bulk , Wholesale , Own Brand , Direct sales , Agents , On trade (Restaurants, Bars, Clubs) , Off trade (Supermarkets, Specialists Retailers, Independent Retailers) , E-Commerce

Company Overview: De Rustica Olive Estate consistently produces award winning extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality. Voted the 6th healthiest EVOO at the EVOOLEUM Awards in Spain in 2022, the only producer in the top 20 not from the Mediterranean Basin.