
Saffricon South Africa

Tiaan Engelbrecht

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Saffricon South Africa

Company Address: 2 Voortrekker Street, La Mancha Farm, Piketberg, West Coast, 7320, South Africa

Company General Phone: 071 431 0249

Company General Mail: info@saffricon.com

Company Website: www.saffricon.com

Key Contact First and Last Name: Tiaan Engelbrecht

Key Contact Phone: 060 749 8551

Key Contact Mail: tiaan@saffricon.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: June 20, 2013

BEE: Not BEE Eligible

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 5 – 10

Distribution: Private Label, Own Brand, Direct sales, E-Commerce

Company Overview: Saffricon South Africa is the first and largest producer/distributor of true South African saffron and saffron corms.