Contact Infomation

Company Name: StPauls

Company Address: 39 Gris Nez Avenue Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, 6600, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 83 783 7985

Company General Mail:

Company Website:

Key Contact First and Last Name: James Caw

Key Contact Phone: +27 83 783 7985

Key Contact Mail:

Company Information

Incorporation Date: 24 August 2015

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: E-Commerce

Company Overview: We help your bottom line By offering you bank beating exchange rates on international transfers all around the world. Being paid in USD? Settle to your own Forex Bank account and control the exchange rate margin. Importing? Pay your bills with savings on fx fees of up to 2% total invoice value. Call James to learn more.