
Trace Studio (Pty) Ltd

Wilna Van schalkwyk

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Trace Studio (Pty) Ltd

Company Address: Building 13, Waverley Business Park, Wycroft Road, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 21 486 2900

Company General Mail: wvanschalkwyk@trace

Company Website: http://tracestudios.tv/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Wilna Van schalkwyk

Key Contact Phone: +27 21 486 2900

Key Contact Mail: wvanschalkwyk@trace

Company Information

Incorporation Date: October 07, 2003

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: Yes - 25%+ Woman Owned

Company Size: 10 – 20

Distribution: Direct sales

Company Overview: WELCOME TO THE HOME OF AWARD-WINNING STORYTELLERS WHO BUILD UNIQUE AUDIOVISUAL EXPERIENCES THAT PEOPLE LOVE. Since 2003, we have produced over 6 000 hours from content of all genres. We are proud to bring African narrative to the world and we are a proud BBBEE level three contributor