Company Information
Incorporation Date: January 01, 1987
BEE: BEE Level 8
Woman-Owned: Yes - 50%+ Woman Owned
Company Size: 200 +
Distribution: Retail, HORECA/Hospitality: Hotels, Restuarants, Catering, Private Label, Export via Sea, Export via Air Freight, On trade (Restaurants, Bars, Clubs), Off trade (Supermarkets, Specialists Retailers, Independent Retailers)
Company Overview: Vinimark exports over a million cases of some of the finest South African wines to some 65 markets around the world. Among them are wines from Barista, Krone, Reyneke Organic Wines and Robertson Winery; many of which have achieved considerable heights internationally. Their success is testament to Vinimark’s comprehensive Export Division, a team committed to excellence, with outstanding marketing credentials. We support the marketing efforts of our international outlets through close consultation and by equipping them with marketing material tailored to their specific needs.