

Zahida Danka

Contact Infomation

Company Name: zahidad

Company Address: 741 Musgrave Road, 4001, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27827864496

Company General Mail: sales@cuveebev.com

Company Website: https://cuveebev.com/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Zahida Danka

Key Contact Phone: +27 82 786 4496

Key Contact Mail: sales@cuveebev.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: April 20, 2022

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: Yes - 100% Woman Owned

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Retail, Wholesale, HORECA/Hospitality: Hotels, Restuarants, Catering

Company Overview: Cuvée is a purveyor of luxury gold standard premier beverages. We're committed to providing an ethically sourced, natural product and energised by a desire to offer our customers a sumptuous, Halal certified alternative