Showing 17–26 of 26 results

  • Raspberry Vodka Iced Tea 330ml

    Rated 0 out of 5

    One of our most popular Vodka Iced Teas is definitely the Raspberry. This sweet but sugar-free tea is infused with Vodka and slow-brewed the Shackleton way. Lightly carbonated and perfect for a summer day!

    Carefully packaged in a 330ml Can!

  • Red Ale 500ml

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Red Ale is a Classic English Bitter style beer. Rich caramel and toffee malt sweetness is accompanied by noble hop bittering. Having low carbonation and medium body, this beer resembles a truly British beer.

    Carefully packaged in a 500ml cans!

  • Rooibos

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Supplier of finest grade Bulk Rooibos

  • Rooiboslief – 300g Superior Quality 100% Organic Fine Cut Loose Leaf Rooibos Tea

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A Superior Grade Organic Loose Leaf Rooibos (fermented) grown & harvested on a family farm for 3 generations. Our rooibos has a distinctive flavour, a deep red colour & rich aroma. The taste can be described as sweet, fruity & a smooth aftertaste.

  • Rooiboslief – BULK 18kg Bags Superior Quality Organic Fine Cut & Long Cut Rooibos Tea (EOS)

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A Superior Grade Fine Cut Organic Rooibos (fermented) with a distinctive flavour, deep red colour, rich aroma, sweet, fruity & a smooth aftertaste. Order in bulk, pallet wrapped 25 x 18kg (450kg) loads or individual bags. Private labels on request.

  • Rooiboslief- 150g Superior Quality 100% Organic Fine Cut Loose Leaf Rooibos Tea

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A Superior Grade Organic Rooibos (fermented) loose leaf grown & harvested on a family farm for generations. Our rooibos has a distinctive flavour, deep red colour, rich aroma. The taste can be described as sweet, fruity & a smooth aftertaste.

  • Temperature Monitoring Devices

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Thermologix is a 100% black owned and manged company, specialising in temperature monitoring and asset tracking. Our history can be found in the security industry spanning some 30 years of successful asset protection and monitoring.


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ultrapure® Noxmaria® is our revolutionary wound care product that has been formulated with the purest form of HOCl in order to ensure that every patient receives the best possible wound care solution.

  • Ultrapure® Noxmaria® Wound Care – 500ml

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ultrapure® Noxmaria® is our revolutionary wound care product that has been formulated with the purest form of Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in order to ensure that every patient receives the best possible wound care solution.

  • Ultrapure® Noxmaria® Wound Care – 50ml

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ultrapure® Noxmaria® is our revolutionary wound care product that has been formulated with the purest form of Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in order to ensure that every patient receives the best possible wound care solution.