Donkey Long Tong – The Blower


Add more air to your fire to make more fire, do it with precision. A patent pending design with an adjustable jet nozzle. You set your standard of blow strength; keep it fine to get a fire going or blast it with air.

Product or Service

HS821520 - Cutlery; sets of assorted articles (e.g. spoons; forks; ladles; skimmers; cake-servers; fish-knives; butter knives; sugar tongs and similar); not plated with precious metal


SARS compliant

Product Certification


Contact Infomation

Company Name: Namibian Hardwood Pty Ltd

Company Address: 12 Oostenberg St, Durbanville Industria, Cape Town, 7550, South Africa

Company General Phone: 021 979 2051

Company General Mail:

Company Website:

Key Contact: Phillip Kleinhans

Key Contact Phone: 082 420 9054

Key Contact General Mail:

Company Information

Incorporation Date: January 01, 2013

BEE: Not BEE Eligible

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 20 –100

Distribution: Retail, Bulk, Wholesale, Own Brand, Direct sales

Company Overview: In 2005, Phillip Kleinhans made waves by starting a fire; a fire named Namibian Hardwood Pty Ltd. Today we are the country's premier supplier of quality Namibian Hardwood and this fire has been burning ever since. As one of the biggest wholesale suppliers of wood in Southern Africa, Namibian Hardwood Pty Ltd. boasts approximately 500-strong workforce, with 27 permanent staff in both Namibia and South Africa. Our main distributing hub is situated in Cape Town and is overseen by Phillip, and assisted by a great team of managers. Stringent quality control is what sets us apart from the competition. We go to great lengths to ensure that we pack and ship the best possible product. Why? Because our clients demand and deserve quality. Namibian Hardwood Pty Ltd. has expanded over the years to include more than just bulk wood. In fact the company fabricates and handles more than 300 different products, such as charcoal, fire-starters, game meat, biltong, braai accessories and African décor arts and crafts. Namibian Hardwood Pty Ltd. is a dedicated Wholesale Company that provides and supplies products for retail and use-end products.

Year Started Exporting:


Countries Currently Exporting to:

Germany, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom

Countries Hoping to Export to:

, Europa Island, Germany, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United States

Registered Under the Following Trade Agreements:
