KannaEase TM Sceletium powder extract

Product Description: Say goodbye to stress and anxiety with KannaEase™, a natural extract derived from sceletium tortuosum. Our spray-dried extract is a popular ingredient in food supplements and natural pharmaceuticals that enhance cognition.

Product or Service

HS210120 - Extracts; essences and concentrates; of tea or mate; and preparations with a basis of these extracts; essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or mate


FSSC 2200

Product Certification

Product or Service Certification

Contact Infomation

Company Name: Afrigetics Botanicals

Company Address: 22 Waenhout Avenue, Knysna Industrial, Knysna, Garden Route, 6571, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 67 868 8488

Company General Mail: sales@afrigetics.com

Company Website: https://afrigetics.com/

Key Contact: Steve Hurt

Key Contact Phone: +27 81 365 5784

Key Contact General Mail: steve@afrigetics.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: January 01, 2005

BEE: BEE Level 4

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Bulk, Export via Air Freight, Specialist

Company Overview: Afrigetics is a leading exporter of Southern African medicinal herbs. Our award-winning team prides itself on providing superior African medicinal plant extracts to the international market. We are leaders in sustainable pelargonium sidoides harvesting and diligent partners with rural harvesters. Afrigetics has invested in a state of the art quality control system, incorporating FSSC 22000 accreditation. We aim to be world class and sustainable.

Year Started Exporting:


Countries Currently Exporting to:

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Korea, South, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries Hoping to Export to:

Indonesia, Israel, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Registered Under the Following Trade Agreements:
