
Sold By:  BeerGuevara

Antonie Speirs

+27 72 141 7810

Typical Alpha Acids: 11.5 – 15.4%
Type: T90 Pellets
XJA2/436 is a South African bred high alpha, daylight neutral hop whose pedigree is a diploid seedling selected from a cross between Outeniqua and OF2/93. The aroma profile of XJA2/436 includes ber

XJA2/436 is a South African bred high alpha, daylight neutral hop whose pedigree is a diploid seedling selected from a cross between Outeniqua and OF2/93. The aroma profile of XJA2/436 includes bergamot citrus, dried lemon zest, candied papaya, ripe cantaloupe, gooseberries, and resin. Works well with all hop-forward beers including American and Belgian styles like IPAs and saisons.

Product or Service

HS130213 - Vegetable saps and extracts; of hops



Product Certification


Contact Infomation

Company Name: BeerGuevara

Company Address: 23 Transvaal Street, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 72 141 7810

Company General Mail: bulk@beerguevara.com

Company Website: beerguevara.com

Key Contact: Antonie Speirs

Key Contact Phone: +27 82 306 6089

Key Contact General Mail: ant@beerguevara.com

Company Information

Incorporation Date: August 05, 2013

BEE: Not BEE Eligible

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Retail, Bulk, Wholesale, Direct sales, Export via Sea, Export via Air Freight, E-Commerce

Company Overview: BeerGuevara is an import, export and distribution company based in Cape Town, South Africa who regularly imports malt, hops and yeast to South Africa from Europe. In addition the company also distributes local South African Hops and Malt within South Africa and to other countries. We have been in the industry for over 12 years and supply micro breweries in South Africa with malt, hops and yeast. Currently we are official distributors for Castle Maltings, Fermentis Yeast and Yakima Chief Hops. We also distribute hops from South African Breweries Hops Farms and malt from South African Breweries Malting plants.

Year Started Exporting:


Countries Currently Exporting to:

Botswana, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe

Countries Hoping to Export to:

Botswana, China, India, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe

Registered Under the Following Trade Agreements: